Deniz has worked as a certified ELT(English Language Teaching) Teacher for 22 years at a state high school in Ankara, Turkey. She also studied English Literature and Culture (Old Shakespearean English) and Linguistics in the team of Prof. Dr. Ayhan SEZER at the university. Deniz has been working as a teacher trainer for ten years. In addition, she is an Erasmus+ Project Coordinator for teacher and student mobility combining 22 years+ of experience management of international programs and projects with a passion for learning and development. Deniz has an enthusiasm for languages. Communication completes her profile: she enjoys working in German, Italian, and Spanish at least as much as developing her abilities to add more languages. Finally, She is a member of ‘Education for Climate’ and ‘European Climate Pact’ on the European Commission and a legal member of the British Council in Turkey. Teaching English as a second language is her passion.